Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Monster Mam-A-Jam

Dang... rockin' out to some Tenacious D. Seriously, I like them, I think they're really good. Mr. Black does a good job at it.

Okay, anyways today was pretty nice! HIGH FIVE! went to school, same ol same ol. although i did send my history teacher an email with this video link attached:

lol i hope she doesn't get mad, its pretty damn historical. so after I got home and did homework, Chelsea and Azar came over. The brought sheets with holes in them, but never really used them. Except once when Azar was passing out candy Chelsea was sortta running back and fourth through the hall, lol. I don't know if anyone saw her (shes so cute lol) so then after all that was over, ate dinner and everythingh, they went home. I DROVE THEM. I kinda went slow because I didn't wanna crash with my girlfriend and her BIFFLE in the car, totally would score me boyfriend points. I drove back home and watched a really funny conclusion to the South Park trilogy. Now im just planning on watching "The Office" a little bit and gooooin' to bed. LATE

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

A7X is teh shit!

okay so today was tight, nothing really happened, its just like always. school was the same, GAY. Chelsea came home with me, that was cool. then homework.

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OKAY BUT FINALLY i can talk about the album sense its out now! Avenged Sevenfold's New album. oh. my. god. Freakin' sickest album I've herd in a while. I really like the sound of it, although I still wouldn't mind some of their older stuff, "Unholy Confessions" is like one of my favorite songs by them. But I have like quite a few favorite songs on this album, "Critical Acclaim" "Afterlife" "Scream" "Unbound the Wild Ride" "Little Piece of Heaven" "Dear God". Don't get me wrong though, all of the songs in my opinion are exceptionally good. So that was pretty amazing...

Other than that, Halloween tomorrow. Chelsea and Azar are coming over... dressed as ghosts? (AkA sheets with holes, haha) SOOOOOO thats it, until next time, LATE!

Monday, October 29, 2007

Super Groundation

Woke up, extremely tired from another night of playing video games until 3:00AM :( I guess thats going to end tomorrow. It'll be back to the weekends for me, and NO computer/xbox360 at all on the weekdays... what a lame rule. AH and grades come out Friday, and my mom informed me that if i have any bad grades (which would be C & under) I'm grounded. And im pratically grounded already (no comp/360 on weekdays) The only thing my mom ever grounds me with is 360 and computer, so if i do have a C, which I think I do in History, I'm like SUPER GROUNDED. Well today I babysit then wanted to see Chelsea. So i rode my bike to Roberto's, and was all like, well I think ill buy Chelsea some flowers, she'll like that. So i did that and rode to her house. YOU HAVE no idea how hard it is to ride with flowers in a backpack lol. Anyways got to her house, and just for the record. It makes me really really happy to see her smile, and be happy herself. Shes perfect for me. I hung out for a little while then she went to work. Now ive been at home sense then.

While I've been home, I was thinking that I REALLY NEED A JOB I'm going to try and think of places tomorrow, although I'm sure school will make me postpone those thoughts. anyways thats all for now.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Pumpkins Of War

Last night I spent the night at Brian's house, that was intense. Me, him and Andre tried to make our first machinima movie. I don't know how that is going to turn out... we kind of messed up A LOT in the "filming." Its our first though! well get better. Once we get that on Youtube or some thing ill post it.

After that I came home the next day like half asleep and did a little nothing, sorta just chilled (which i s what I've been doing all week.) My family carved pumpkins and what not, so I have kinda started a new tradition to show my nerdy ness during pumpkin carvings. My little sister and bro, do those generic face that all little kids love to make on their pumpkins (me included.) But anyways i think last year i did, a storm trooper? the year before, i believe something else Star Wars related. But this year, I stepped it up a level of nerd glory, to video games. Oh yes, haha i did the COG logo from Gears of War, it actually turned out better than I would have expected:
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*Borat voice* " High Five Jew!"
Haha, i was going todo the three from halo, but that seemed kinda lame and un-halloweenish. After my intense pumpkin carving session I went to dinner with my grandparents, and They left tonight, I dont know if ill see them tomorrow, there going on a plane back to South Carolina.

Only one more day of no school... *sigh* I am going to have a hard time getting used to it again, it makes me mad, everything revolves around freaking school. have to do your homework, have to study, if you dont u fail quizzes/tests, if you do that you get bad grades, bad grades equal a bad reputation, that equals shitty college, that equals shitty job, no money, FAILURE. everything has to deal with SCHOOL. I hate the pressure, immensely . I don't even want to get started about the S.A.T's because thats just a bunch of bullshit.

Ahh that was a refreshing rant, okay anyways thats all for now, peace.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Week +

So the week is almost over and I've only been to school one day. and because of the fires, I still dont have school on Monday! This is crazy, its like the fires four years ago but not as short. Pretty much I've stayed inside all week and, done boring stuff. I did go out with my girlfriend to see a movie (30 Days of Night, which was really good) that was really fun, I love being with her :) But yea, most of the other things I have done consist of sitting, like watching T.V, doing basically nothing on my computer AND playing 360. On that note, my grandpa did get me a new game, Half-Life 2: Orange Box. Its pretty dang sweet, Andre got it too, so we have been playing together. Speaking of Andre, me and him have been staying up until like 3:00AM every night. Last night was especially fun. We were making an invention in Halo 3 Forge. IT WAS THE GREATEST INVENTION EVER! To bad Andre thought hew as sneaky and deleted, then blamed a black guy, which oddly he IS a black guy. Hopefully i can spend the night at Brian's place tonight too. So other than that I'm not doing much, so peace out, ill post later!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

A Day Inside, is Not a Day Wasted.

Another day down, and a good day at that. Lets start from the beginning

I woke up and first things first, called my girlfriend, duh!
After that i downloaded the new XBL demo for Guitar Hero III:Legends or Rock (Ahh the life of a video game lover, lol)
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So after that Chelsea called me again and she came over with Azar. We chilled, just pretty much hung out in my room all day, it was fun. Me and my baby played Guirat Hero II, to bad i smoked her at it. Haha i love how my girlfriend is good at guitar hero (and likes it) shes amazing. I kept trying to get chels to play halo 3 with me but she just wouldn't do it! OH! and me and Chelsea came up with a new nickname for Azar! we started cellin' her "G-Spot" because of some funny incident which i wont elaborate on. AND BOTH AZAR AND MY BABY HAD NEVER HAD Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket! WTF? Thats jsut liek the greatest chicken fast food place ever on the planet! god...:D.

So they didn't really want to go back to Chels' house because apparently both of their mothers had gotten drunk, lol. They eventually did go home (I tried to keep them here! didnt work...) and it was pretty funny. Pat (Azar's mom) was all happy and laughing and what not, and Pam (Chelsea's mom) thought that a braclet on the little kittens neck looked cool, lol. OH AND I FOUND OUT CHELSEA has gay bunnies now, that have had homosexual rabbit intercourse with each other, not cool, bunnies used to be so innocent. UNTIL NOW!

So now im home and chilling, by myself :( I think its time to boot up the ol' Halo and get my PwNG on kill some N00b$, thats how I do, lol... wtf

Monday, October 22, 2007

San Diego Fires

Wow so being in San Diego right now is kind of scary with all these fires going on. Last I heard there were eight simultaneous fires going on and little to zero percent contained. Basically everybody I have talked to has said that they are positive the fires will not make it to Clairemont, so that is reassuring. I really hope they get them contained soon, I have no idea what i would do if they came here. We've already taken a family into our house that had to be evacuated. One of my friends Azar, had to leave her home because the fire were getting to close I haven't heard anything else about her area. School today sucked total balls too, the air quality was horrible. During lunch a few ashes like flew into my mouth, yumm ashes. So its a good thing that there isn't any school tomorrow.


So besides San Diego on fire what else is going on? Well my grandparents (on my moms side) just flew in to visit for Halloween. School is lame. I'm low on money. I need a job. There are to many games out right now that I want, example: Assassin's Creed, Orange Box, Mass Effect, Army of Two, Call of Duty 4, GTA 4, Guitar Hero III (Ugh)
Thats it for now, Peace!