Tuesday, October 30, 2007

A7X is teh shit!

okay so today was tight, nothing really happened, its just like always. school was the same, GAY. Chelsea came home with me, that was cool. then homework.

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OKAY BUT FINALLY i can talk about the album sense its out now! Avenged Sevenfold's New album. oh. my. god. Freakin' sickest album I've herd in a while. I really like the sound of it, although I still wouldn't mind some of their older stuff, "Unholy Confessions" is like one of my favorite songs by them. But I have like quite a few favorite songs on this album, "Critical Acclaim" "Afterlife" "Scream" "Unbound the Wild Ride" "Little Piece of Heaven" "Dear God". Don't get me wrong though, all of the songs in my opinion are exceptionally good. So that was pretty amazing...

Other than that, Halloween tomorrow. Chelsea and Azar are coming over... dressed as ghosts? (AkA sheets with holes, haha) SOOOOOO thats it, until next time, LATE!

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