Sunday, October 28, 2007

Pumpkins Of War

Last night I spent the night at Brian's house, that was intense. Me, him and Andre tried to make our first machinima movie. I don't know how that is going to turn out... we kind of messed up A LOT in the "filming." Its our first though! well get better. Once we get that on Youtube or some thing ill post it.

After that I came home the next day like half asleep and did a little nothing, sorta just chilled (which i s what I've been doing all week.) My family carved pumpkins and what not, so I have kinda started a new tradition to show my nerdy ness during pumpkin carvings. My little sister and bro, do those generic face that all little kids love to make on their pumpkins (me included.) But anyways i think last year i did, a storm trooper? the year before, i believe something else Star Wars related. But this year, I stepped it up a level of nerd glory, to video games. Oh yes, haha i did the COG logo from Gears of War, it actually turned out better than I would have expected:
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*Borat voice* " High Five Jew!"
Haha, i was going todo the three from halo, but that seemed kinda lame and un-halloweenish. After my intense pumpkin carving session I went to dinner with my grandparents, and They left tonight, I dont know if ill see them tomorrow, there going on a plane back to South Carolina.

Only one more day of no school... *sigh* I am going to have a hard time getting used to it again, it makes me mad, everything revolves around freaking school. have to do your homework, have to study, if you dont u fail quizzes/tests, if you do that you get bad grades, bad grades equal a bad reputation, that equals shitty college, that equals shitty job, no money, FAILURE. everything has to deal with SCHOOL. I hate the pressure, immensely . I don't even want to get started about the S.A.T's because thats just a bunch of bullshit.

Ahh that was a refreshing rant, okay anyways thats all for now, peace.

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