Monday, October 29, 2007

Super Groundation

Woke up, extremely tired from another night of playing video games until 3:00AM :( I guess thats going to end tomorrow. It'll be back to the weekends for me, and NO computer/xbox360 at all on the weekdays... what a lame rule. AH and grades come out Friday, and my mom informed me that if i have any bad grades (which would be C & under) I'm grounded. And im pratically grounded already (no comp/360 on weekdays) The only thing my mom ever grounds me with is 360 and computer, so if i do have a C, which I think I do in History, I'm like SUPER GROUNDED. Well today I babysit then wanted to see Chelsea. So i rode my bike to Roberto's, and was all like, well I think ill buy Chelsea some flowers, she'll like that. So i did that and rode to her house. YOU HAVE no idea how hard it is to ride with flowers in a backpack lol. Anyways got to her house, and just for the record. It makes me really really happy to see her smile, and be happy herself. Shes perfect for me. I hung out for a little while then she went to work. Now ive been at home sense then.

While I've been home, I was thinking that I REALLY NEED A JOB I'm going to try and think of places tomorrow, although I'm sure school will make me postpone those thoughts. anyways thats all for now.

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