Saturday, October 27, 2007

Week +

So the week is almost over and I've only been to school one day. and because of the fires, I still dont have school on Monday! This is crazy, its like the fires four years ago but not as short. Pretty much I've stayed inside all week and, done boring stuff. I did go out with my girlfriend to see a movie (30 Days of Night, which was really good) that was really fun, I love being with her :) But yea, most of the other things I have done consist of sitting, like watching T.V, doing basically nothing on my computer AND playing 360. On that note, my grandpa did get me a new game, Half-Life 2: Orange Box. Its pretty dang sweet, Andre got it too, so we have been playing together. Speaking of Andre, me and him have been staying up until like 3:00AM every night. Last night was especially fun. We were making an invention in Halo 3 Forge. IT WAS THE GREATEST INVENTION EVER! To bad Andre thought hew as sneaky and deleted, then blamed a black guy, which oddly he IS a black guy. Hopefully i can spend the night at Brian's place tonight too. So other than that I'm not doing much, so peace out, ill post later!

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