Monday, October 22, 2007

San Diego Fires

Wow so being in San Diego right now is kind of scary with all these fires going on. Last I heard there were eight simultaneous fires going on and little to zero percent contained. Basically everybody I have talked to has said that they are positive the fires will not make it to Clairemont, so that is reassuring. I really hope they get them contained soon, I have no idea what i would do if they came here. We've already taken a family into our house that had to be evacuated. One of my friends Azar, had to leave her home because the fire were getting to close I haven't heard anything else about her area. School today sucked total balls too, the air quality was horrible. During lunch a few ashes like flew into my mouth, yumm ashes. So its a good thing that there isn't any school tomorrow.


So besides San Diego on fire what else is going on? Well my grandparents (on my moms side) just flew in to visit for Halloween. School is lame. I'm low on money. I need a job. There are to many games out right now that I want, example: Assassin's Creed, Orange Box, Mass Effect, Army of Two, Call of Duty 4, GTA 4, Guitar Hero III (Ugh)
Thats it for now, Peace!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

OMG! Haha yeah, most likely the fires wont get here, although we do have some flammable canyons near us... and that is not a good sign for fire... And why cant games be free... :( haha.